Ongoing Investment Management Vancouver Washington


The underlying principles for sound investing are relatively straightforward. But Wall Street’s conflicting interests as well as your own behavioral traps can distract you from the essentials. Individuals (often assisted by the financial media) can inflict far more damage to their portfolios than the market can. We want to help you adopt the behaviors of a successful investor.

We design and manage investment portfolios with the primary focus being on; achieving your specific goals within your time horizon, your tax situation, and your risk tolerance. We focus on a long-term view of the markets and do not engage in market timing, stock market speculation, or pursuing the latest hot trend or product based on Wall Street buzz. We are not stock brokers and don’t claim to provide value by selecting individual stocks in order to ‘beat the market’. Our approach is research based and we follow policy and approaches that have been proven to work over time and avoid strategies that have no substantiated proof of working.

VIDEO:Tuning out the noise
The Difference the Right Financial Advisor Makes

Tim Massie Retirement Planning in Vancouver Washington

Tim Massie, CFP and
Fee-Only Financial Planner

Owen Granger Associate Planner

Owen Granger, Associate Planner

Nick Massie Retirement Planning in Vancouver Washington

Nick Massie, Paraplanner



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